I can't figure out the difference between
Your love and your company
After about the fourth or fifth listen, this song revealed its myriad mysteries to me. It's a grower, but as the hooks sink in, so do the details. Like those diving seagull sounds that dart in and out of the chorus explosion. And the fuzzed-out kazoo sound Ben Sterling gets out of his guitar during the denouement seems more appropriate every pass. For pop music, the arrangement finds ways to sneak in pockets of invention, but subtly - it still feels like an unadorned serving of catchy.
I love the tone, and the modest way Sterling sings. I love the contrast of his light drawl with the urbanity of Mobius Band's droid-aided rock. Emotionally, it's breakup-song big, the kind of cut you want to listen to when your life feels like plates of massive, tectonic shift. But even in breakups, the tearing is sometimes balanced with adrenaline, and "I Am Always Waiting" strikes that kind of balance.
Mobius Band "I Am Always Waiting" [From Heaven]
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